Otter Introduction
Komugi… He is not shy and is quite friendly. He can make friends with people, otters, dogs, other animals, and even babies.Ui and Ati, who Komugi has been playing in the river with a lot lately, came over to celebrate his birthday!
Thanks for coming all the way! Thank you, Otterman!Ui, going to meet the otter group! [Otter life Day 635]【Otter Goods】New✨★We are now sending Loutre 2022 PDF calendars to all those who kindly sent us Amazon gift cards as our way of saying “thank you.”
(January-December 2022 Calendar & 3 Extra Pictures. 16-Page Downloadable PDF. Postcard Size 100mm X 148mm) *Please note that Japanese national holidays are listed in this calendar.【Membership】【Amazon Wish List】【Instagram】
Tweets by loutrekyoto
Tweets by loutreosaka#otter #loutre #ottercafe
Otter Komugi’s Third Birthday with Ui and Aty!
